20 Tips for Great UI for Your Mobile Application

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20 Tips for Great UI for Your Mobile Application
15 min read
Mobirevo Team
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For people all around the world, mobile applications have become the keyword. An eye-catching and feature-rich app will provide an experience that is well worth the visitors' time and money. The most important factors to consider while building a Mobile Application are UX (user experience) and UI (user interface). Also, before getting further into the subject, it is critical to understand the target market's behavior you intend to seduce with your app. No matter how much money you spend on design, what ultimately saves you is a fantastic app interface that boosts the credibility of your mobile app. Have you ever heard of the term "poor" user experience? The explanation is most likely a 'poor' user interface. Although style and design cannot completely replace content, a visually appealing and intuitive user interface (UI) may become the key to lead conversions. Interface design, which focuses on the arrangement of interface functions, is a subset of user experience design, which focuses on a bigger realm: the whole experience.  
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20 Tips for Great UI for Your Mobile Application

20 Tips for Great UI for your Mobile Application How to Choose the BEst Mobile App Developer Here are some helpful hints for designing a great user interface that will enhance the aesthetic attractiveness of your mobile application:-
  1. It's All About Users

That is a no-brainer, yet you must still know your users inside and out. That covers all of the demographic information that your analytics program can track. But, more importantly, you should understand what they require and the challenges they confront in attaining their objectives. It necessitates a high level of empathy for the consumers, which goes beyond the fundamental statistics. You must be familiar with the folks who use your mobile app. You may do this by speaking to them face to face, watching them use your product, or even asking their input on design, etc. It's not about what they desire. Dig deeper and make a list of what they require. If you address their needs, you will instantly meet their wants and all of their basic necessities. Such information will assist you in making the best judgments regarding the interface's usage among users.
  1. Right-Size Graphics

When it comes to visuals, developers often adhere to the adage that "one size fits all," which is incorrect. This simplifies resource management, but it may detract from your app's visual appeal. Include visuals that are customized to the displays of the individual devices to make your app seem wonderful. The greatest visuals should ideally load at runtime and contribute to an overall pleasant user experience.
  1. Comply With The Format

We've all seen programs that hang when loading a huge graphical file. This is due to an incorrect format rather than a mismatch in size. Media formats supported by the Android platform include PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, and WebP. PNG is a decent format for lossless photos, although JPEG quality is ideal for editing. Android's stretchable graphics are also supported by Nine-Patch, which is a suitable choice in terms of storage and download sizes.
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    Completely Responsive

It should be noted that the user interface should be developed in such a way that the app can be used on a variety of devices and mobile operating systems. Whether it's modifying the media queries, JavaScript, or CSS, all concerns linked to the app's appearance on numerous mobile devices must be handled appropriately.
  1. Colors to Highlight

To notify the application's state changes, prefer to use modest animations to transition between screens and provide UI control color distinction. a Professional Touch Is Added to Your Mobile App with This Approach. For example, if a screen fades between activities, the screen transitions will not be as noticeable, and if the color of a button control changes after a click, it indicates that a user action was conducted with a specific aim in mind.
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    Iterate to Improve the UX Development Process

It is recommended for an app maker to iterate on interface design possibilities in order to produce mobile applications that are highly engaging and maintain the attention of targeted consumers for a longer period of time. Remember that each iteration yields useful learning that is excellent for boosting performance and may be applied to future projects.
  1. Rectangular Corners

In general, each user interface, such as a Button or Imageview, shows a rectangle of pixels on the screen, but this is not an absolute requirement. You don't have to use controls with pointed corners constantly. It is preferable to soften the design of the interface by integrating round-cornered controls, similar to web style, which are more user-friendly.
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    Evenly Distributed Shadowing

Android's most recent versions have a holographic design, 3D icons, etc. If you use drop shadows and other styles in your controls, ensure that the lighting is constant and that the shadows are oriented consistently on the screen. The same is true for gradients; use consistent settings in your graphics editor to get consistent gradients and textures.
  1. Keep It Simple.

Now, this does not imply having a minimalistic style or design. Keeping things simple refers to a strategy in which a first-time user may instantly begin using the program without going to a complex set of instructions or tutorials. A simple user interface allows the user to do various operations with only a few clicks. For example, employing effective colors in the right places will make the interface clear and easy to grasp at first look. This will entice users to download your app and even persuade them to return to your app regularly.
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    View Contrast

It is a pain in the eyes to get a message full of strange color fonts and backgrounds from a rookie who has recently discovered word art. The same reaction occurs when you see extremely tough programs to understand and navigate. To avoid this, choose High-Contrast Color Schemes that Make Design and Content Stark Clear. It is usually preferable to utilize the color schemes provided by the system resources first, and then, as you develop confidence, begin experimenting with color.
  1. Collaborate with Actual Users

If you are a UI designer, keep in mind that having real users for ideas and views is always good. This will aid in determining what to include and what to exclude. Do this early on to minimize extra confusion and effort in the feature building process. Such a technique will eliminate the need for rework and save a significant amount of time and money.
  1. Large, legible fonts

Wacky typefaces bother us just as much as the previous point. It destroys the app's purpose and negates the objective for which consumers came here in the first place. FONTS SHOULD BE READABLE AND APPEALING TO THE EYES. Font size should also be considered. Use a large typeface that is properly matched with the other aspects of the screen. Fonts less than 12pt are strictly prohibited.
  1. Obey the Platform Rules

Many mobile applications strive to provide users with the benefit of familiarity. They design a basic and easy user interface that employs controls in accordance with the purpose for which it was built. Don't try to reinvent the wheel by including user-accepted interface controls and screen design. Follow the platform's conventions and don't try to do something completely new. Take the platform's cues on how the app should appear and perform. If you are attempting to innovate at your own risk, remember to use objective methodologies such as user research and A/B Testing to Compare with The Initial Versions of Your UI. This will demonstrate which of the two versions is preferred, efficient, and user-friendly.
  1. Guard's Back Button

The back button is a lifesaver for users. It must consistently navigate the app user back. If you are an Android app developer, the native OS back button will suffice. However, if you are developing an iOS app, it is recommended that you position the back button in the top-left corner because this is where customers expect to find it. By adhering to the OS's stated behavior and location of the back button, you may ideally develop an app that satisfies users' expectations.
  1. Obey UI Guidelines

Follow the many guidelines for user interfaces that have been highlighted. The standards differ depending on your program's version; therefore, you must supply different resources to satisfy numerous guidelines. The applications will be thoroughly reviewed before making them available on major app stores such as the Apple App Store and Google Play. As a result, it is critical to adhere to these guidelines. The standards cover everything from iconography to widgets to menus and activities. Follow these criteria when designing UI for apps for each operating system.
Over the last several decades, there have been a variety of icons that have inhabited a comfort zone among users. They are somewhat accustomed to the functions of these symbols, and as a result, they can be found on a variety of gadgets these days. So, if you want your UI to score higher, try including these helpful icons in your mobile app to improve its usability. For example, everyone knows that x is used to close a file. However, if you want to introduce new icons, specify their function and the symbol to provide clarity.
  1. Make an impression with high-resolution images.

The high-tech smartphones enable outstanding resolutions, which vastly improve the aesthetic attractiveness of the interface. If you want to build a superb user interface design, you must abandon low-resolution graphics in favor of clear, high-resolution images. Aligning graphics with a resolution of 264 PPI or greater will make the interface seem spectacular and instantly attract the audience's attention. This will also improve the clarity on large-screen devices with high resolution. Nonetheless, vector-based pictures are more effective since they can auto-scale to meet the resolution.
  1. Screen Content

People like to use their favorite apps on numerous devices and in different circumstances, such as in Split View on the iPad. It is critical to match this expectation by creating a layout that adjusts to screens and offers different perspectives when the display environment changes. This display environment might now encompass the full device screen or only a piece of it. The interface should be structured so that view controllers can respond to changes in the display environment.
  1. Handle Security Concerns

Security and 508 compliance for accessibility concerns are often addressed later in the app development process. This is why it increases the execution time span. As a UI practitioner, you must ensure that relevant data is provided in a user-centric manner by communicating with your back-end team and other middle-ware professionals. The objective should be to decrease the users' learning curve and improve the overall experience.
  1. Opt for App-Self Beta Testing

It is frequently noticed that developers are not adept at QA or beta testing. After your app is on track, it is beneficial to conduct some beta testing with unfamiliar users who have little knowledge of the app's design and aims. App designers have the mistaken belief that consumers would find their apps intuitive, which may not be the case. By placing the app in front of consumers, you may identify any unexpected issues that need to be addressed before you launch.  

How to Choose the Best Mobile App Developer

20 Tips for Great UI for your Mobile Application How to Choose the BEst Mobile App Developer

Let's look at some of the important elements that may aid in picking an IT firm capable of developing bespoke mobile applications that will dazzle users and generate cash for the owners. Here are some things to think about before hiring services from mobile app development businesses.
  1. Select Mobile App Development Firms Based on Customer Reviews and Feedback

Going through the comments and evaluations of previous and present clients is one of the sure-fire techniques for choosing an ace IT firm for bespoke mobile app development. One can contact the company's clients to obtain all of the company's information. By speaking with customers, one may learn about the company's advantages and disadvantages. The only method to assess the quality of services provided by any IT firm is through feedback from its clients. Another key factor to examine is the company's years of experience. It is critical to outsource the work to a business that can do the job right. Experienced companies will almost certainly provide services worth considering.
  1. App Security Concept

The most serious threat to businesses and entrepreneurs today is app ideas and concepts leakage. Because of weak security measures mobile app development businesses use, several low-quality clones have recently appeared in app marketplaces before the original. Companies and entrepreneurs must guarantee that the IT firm they select for enterprise mobile app design and development adheres to stringent security standards. Before the app is released to the app stores, the app idea and concept must be kept private. To protect the app concept and idea's confidentiality, the development company should be willing to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
  1. Capable Delivery Management

Many enterprises and businesses report that their Development Company failed to bring them up to date on the status of the mobile app development cycle. There have been several occasions when clients did not find their finished mobile app to be relevant to their needs due to a communication breakdown between them and their Development Company. For successful and faultless mobile app development, the organization must keep its clients updated on the status of their product at all times. Regular dialogues about the app development process also guarantee that the final product is delivered on schedule. As a result, enterprises and businesses must ensure that their Development Company adheres to successful delivery management service requirements.
  1. App Design Guidelines

The design of bespoke applications is one of the most important components that contribute significantly to their success. As a result, organizations and independent company owners should place a premium on the expertise and talents of app developers. Consider the services of mobile app development businesses with excellent UI/UX designers capable of providing clients with world-class bespoke app designs. Companies and business owners should also review the development company's design portfolio to ensure that their app design standards are internationally approved.
  1. Reliable Quality Assurance and Testing Measures

The majority of bespoke mobile applications include technological flaws and issues. Regular interruptions in the operation of mobile applications cause consumers to lose interest in them. That is why excellent app design and development processes are insufficient. Development companies must adhere to some of the most recent manual and automated Quality Assurance and testing measures to ensure that the final product is free of technical mistakes or bugs by the time it reaches app stores.  


The target market determines the attractiveness quotient of an app's UI. By adhering to the user interface design standards, you may produce a product that is simple to comprehend and ranks high on the usability scale. As the world of app development evolves, you must learn to build a great user interface that will elevate your mobile application to new heights. I hope this essay provided you with all of the information you need to raise the bar for excellence in user interface design. Mobirevo is a Mobile Application development company in Lagos, Nigeria with a team of experienced web designers and developers.. You can contact us today to get a free quote. Our team at Mobirevo strives to provide unrivaled services to all of our valued clients. You can also check out our case study page to see our client’s portfolio and get a better understanding of the quality of products we deliver. Also, contact us if you have any questions about our services, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Want to receive more content like this? You can signup for our newsletter, which features curated opinions, and product discovery tools for building remarkable digital assets. If you sign up for our weekly newsletter, you will be the first to know when we publish awesome content like this. You can also visit our blog to see other content created with love by our amazing team.
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