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20 Best AngularJS Development Tools to Know in 2022
Custom software development
SaaS Application Development
8 min read
Mobirevo Teamauthor
Over the years, there has been an improvement in the internet and technology. Web development and technology implementation are the most significant technological advances. It is the era of smartphones, and application frameworks are getting improved by marketers, and AngularJS is one of them. Regarding front-end web development, AngularJS is the perfect tool for you, whether you are a front-end developer or an enterprise. AngularJS is a tool with extensive, testable, and concise qualities through its operation, libraries, and functionalities.
When it comes to simplifying the front-end web development experience and making it fun, this is the tool for you. This article will look at AngularJS development and the best tools to know and use in 2022.
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What is AngularJS Development?
AngularJS is a front-end JavaScript framework for creating dynamic web apps. Here, you can extend HTML syntax to express an application component more fully. Taking a closer look, it is an application development framework for single-page web applications. A single web application is one in which a single page of HTML with JavaScript is downloaded from an HTTP server, and it looks like it has multiple pages that transition from one to the other. S ill, it’s just the substitution of a template into the Dom.
T e first page is one template, the next page is a template, and so forth. AngularJS development is written in JavaScript. The processes, functionalities, codes, and logos are written in JavaScript. With this tool, you can advance JavaScript with fewer codes, giving the website high functionality without reloading. Goo le created it in 2009, and Google has a team of workers actively working on developing AngularJS.
20 Best Angular JS Development Tools to Know in 2022
The world keeps advancing in technology, and knowing the right tools to achieve the best is essential. As a web developer, if you want to start a project in AngularJS, you will need some tools to develop your website fully. To make this task stressless, here are the 20 best AngularJS development tools to know in 2022;
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1. Karma
One of the best AngularJS development tools is Karma, and Angular JS developers consider it one of the most efficient frameworks for the development process. I have a perfect testing environment allowing developers to conduct the app testing on real browsers or devices like phones, tablets, and desktops.
Protractor is one of the top three best AngularJS development tools. Protractor is also one of the favorite tools of Angular JS developers because of the advantage of testing apps on the actual browser and interacting with the users. This AngularJS tool is an end-to-end test framework. End-to-end testing is testing to verify the complete use-cases and user scenarios from start to finish.
3. Jasmine
Jasmine is an open-source framework for testing. Ideally, this is for JavaScript but supports TDD (Test Driven Development ). This development framework implements a behavioral approach s. Jasmine gets the primary use in the Node.js projects in the Angular development process.
The rest-Angular tool helps to simplify the common requests like GET, DELETE, POST and UPDATE, and as well as it needs minimum client code. Rest-Angular is the ideal solution for data consumption from the REST API web app.
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5. Generator Angular
This tool is one of the best AngularJS Development tools to know in 2022 because it enables a developer to start a project with a sensible default. It helps to generate all the boilerplate, to begin with, the application project.
NG-Inspector is a browse extension of Google Chrome and Safari. It can add an inspector pane to the browser to help in the development process, debugging, and comprehending the AngularJS applications using the controllers and the directives. It can identify and display every scope.
7. Mocha.js
Using Mocha.js, one of the best AngularJS web development tools equips you with a web development project where most tools and features are utilized for betterment. This js allows for the asynchronous testing and makes it flexible for the accuracy terms for the mapping and reporting.
8. Angular Fire
Angular fire is a flexible API with a 3-way binding data system, fast development capability, and ease of development. This tool is one of the best because it allows you to create an Angular backend.
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9. Webstorm
This tool has the power to hold the modern JavaScript ecosystem like intelligent code implementation, robust navigation, server-side development for codes, HTML, and more. Webstorm correctly recognizes components, directives, and pipes marked as standalone.
10. Djangular
Djangular is a reusable app providing a better app in integration with AngularJS. With the help of this tool, you can create AngularJS content per app.
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11. Ment.io
This tool introduces mentions and macros widgets wi h no dependencies on jQuery. You can apply the Ment.io directive directly to any element and accept selectable text input.
12. Sublime Text
This tool is the best text code editor for developers and makes coding as easy as possible. Developers prefer to use this more than others because of its ability to support different programming languages, its excellent interface, and many other features.
13. Angular Seed
This tool is an application skeleton for yo r typical AngularJS web application. You can apply it to quickly bootstrap the angular app projects and the development environment for these projects.
14. Code Orchestra
This front-end development tool allows you to write code live-style. When you modify and save the code, these codes are automatically implemented in the working application using a unique protocol.
15. Videogular
It is an HTML5-based video player for AngularJS and allows you to easily include videos and other multimedia elements in your app. Videogular creates room for AngularJS developers to explore a lot of creativity in the development process.
16. Angular GetText
Developers term this as the super simple translation support for AngularJS. You can type the text in English and mark them for translation, and the tool executes the rest. This tool enables users to get faster results, reduces workload, and meets deadlines.
17. MEAN
It is a simple and perfect boilerplate that AngularJS developers use to create MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS apps. It comes from pre-bundled and configured modules such Mongoose and Passport.
18. Angular Deckgrid
Angular Deckgrid is a lightweight grid for AngularJS where your directive doesn’t depend on their visual representation. It used a CSS file for all the visual representations.
19. AngularJS UI
This tool is a collection of UI components and comes with utility directives that help you build Angular applications faster. It uses raw commands such as UI-router, UI-map, and UI-calendar instead of widgets.
20. Angular Kickstart
To accelerate A gularJS development, the Kickstart is the perfect tool for that. This tool makes the process of development smooth and easy, making developers have fun while doing their job.
If you are going to develop a front-end application, then AngularJS development gives a complete solution without dependency on other plugins or frameworks. AngularJS is one of the most preferred frameworks for web developers who aspire to design a web app uniquely and amazingly. The fact that Google keeps working on upgrading this tool from time to time makes it ideal for usage. The above tools are some of the best AngularJS development tools you should use as an AngularJS developer and enterprise.
Mobirevo is a well-known AngularJS development company in Nigeria. With the help of cutting-edge tools and advancements in the AngularJS platform, our experienced in-house Angular developers can meet complex business needs efficiently. Even startups and small businesses can benefit from our high-quality AngularJS development services at a low cost. You can contact us today to get a free quote. Our team at Mobirevo strives to provide unrivaled services to all of our valued clients.
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