Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business

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Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business
17 min read
Mobirevo Team
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Sun Microsystems (later acquired by Oracle) released the first public version of Java in 1995. Since then, Java has consistently ranked among the world's most popular programming languages. While the popularity of several competing technologies has fluctuated over time, Java's position has remained stable. In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know about Java development services for your business and how to hire a Java development company.
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The Business Side of Java Development

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

When most people think of Java, they think of 'business platforms.' The language's pro-business leanings are unmistakable. Still, limiting Java's applicability to only enterprise applications would be a mistake. Oracle is constantly working to make the language more suitable for a variety of applications. Here are some examples. Java is used to power many of the world's most well-known retailers' websites, web apps, and business processes. Just a few examples include Amazon, Target, and Walmart. In the healthcare industry, programmers widely use Java to create diagnostic and interventional systems, wearable devices, practice and health management systems, and business intelligence tools for practice and hospital management. Other companies include CVS Health, Samsung Healthcare, and Cardinal Health. Due to its extensive security features, Java has long been the go-to technology for developing financial software and applications. In fact, 44% of Java programmers use the language to develop financial software. Just a few examples include Citigroup, J.P.Morgan, and Bank of America. Telecom companies, cable companies, and satellite providers use Java's vast collection of frameworks and libraries to develop billing and operations support systems and other critical software. Just a few examples include AT&T, Comcast, and T-Mobile. Java is also used in Big Tech's systems and applications. Google uses Java to run some of its most important programs, including Google Docs. Java is used in many YouTube apps, including YouTube Premium, YouTube Go, YouTube TV, and others. The automobile industry is a fascinating Java application example. Modern automobiles are replete with robotics and automation technologies, many of which are written in Java.

What is Java?

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java If you're unfamiliar with Java, here's how Oracle, the company that currently owns it, describes it: "Java is the most widely used programming language and development platform in the world. It reduces costs, accelerates development, encourages innovation, and improves application services." To put things in context, Java is a high-level, class-based, object-oriented programming language that was created in 1991 to aid in the development of interactive television and has since grown to its current 16th edition. It's important to remember that Java is both a programming language and a platform for running Java applications. A Java virtual machine (JVM) and an application programming interface (API) are present in every Java platform, but they serve different purposes.  
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Pros and Cons of Java Development

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

Java has a number of advantages that make it worthwhile for the business. It's designed to create complex, dependable programs, and it's used to power some of the world's most well-known software. Which Java experts persuade business decision-makers to use the language?

1. A large number of IDEs to choose from

Several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) for Java provide all of the tools needed to write effective Java code. The most popular Java programming environments are Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, and BlueJ. The diverse range of IDEs primarily benefits programmers, giving them a competitive advantage. How? Allowing developers to choose the domain in which they feel most at ease improves the development experience and streamlines workflows. This has a positive effect on project delivery timelines and software quality.

2. A mature community

Even as a mature language, Java continues to grow thanks to an unrivaled support community. It is one of the most popular programming languages in university computer science curricula around the world, with approximately 35% of software experts using it. The language's enduring popularity is supported by data from leading online learning and teaching markets: Udemy has about 1,000 Java courses at various levels, while a search for Java on Coursera yields about 1,500 results. Surprisingly, the Java community's efforts have been documented. The Java Community Process was established in 1998 to ensure that Java technology remains stable and cross-platform compatible.

3. Increased Safety

Java has always been a security standout. Many factors play a role in this, some of which have already been mentioned. Overall, Java has a well-defined access policy as well as strong access control and authentication methods. Several cryptographic algorithms and public key infrastructure regulations and processes are used in the language. Java sandbox also provides developers with a secure environment in which to run and test their programs without gaining access to the local disk or the corporate network. Last but not least, the wording is fairly consistent. Java is a popular choice for financial and banking apps, healthcare software, and telecommunications solutions because of these characteristics.
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4. Flexibility

Java's properties, such as dynamic coding, platform independence, and network-centric architecture, enable it to be used on a variety of platforms and in a variety of industries. It also includes a large number of frameworks and libraries tailored to specific industries. When you add in an enormous developer pool, it's easy to see why Java is used by hundreds of thousands of businesses around the world, including 90% of Fortune 500 companies (as the Internet has it).

5. Budget-friendly

As we stated at the outset, Java is no longer completely free for business enterprises. Oracle has been using a subscription-based model since 2019, which means you'll have to pay a small fee based on the number of developers and features you'll need to build your commercial Java project. Despite this, there are a number of ways that Java can help organizations reduce project delivery costs. Because Java is technologically neutral, it does not necessitate any additional infrastructure investments. Instead, you can use existing hardware to bring your idea to life. Furthermore, Java's mobility is linked to time efficiency. Developers appreciate the freedom to choose the operating system that best suits their needs. They don't have to duplicate their efforts to support multiple platforms and devices for end users. This is a significant time saver as well as a significant financial savings.

6. Access to a large pool of talent

When it comes to the Java developer workforce, there are some differences. But one thing remains constant, whether there are 7.5 million or 10 million Java professionals: Java is one of the world's most widely used and popular programming languages. As a result, finding qualified Java programmers is relatively simple compared to less popular languages. And the sooner you assemble your ideal Java team, the sooner you'll reap the rewards of your completed project.

Cons of Java

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

Every coin has two sides to it. So, let's take a look at which Java features don't benefit the language.
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1. Performance unpredictability

Java's performance is a weakness for a variety of reasons. For example, poor garbage collection raises the amount of memory required to run Java code. On the other hand, the JVM's reliance implies that code is evaluated at runtime, resulting in a performance hit. Although the introduction of the just-in-time compiler has improved Java's processing performance, it still trails languages such as.NET, Go, and Rust.

2. Coding challenges

It's debatable whether Java programming is simple or difficult. Some programmers argue that learning and using Java is simple because the syntax is clear and the language does away with many complex concepts like pointers and operator overloading. To write Java code, only about 50 keywords are required, with sections of it being reusable across projects. While this is correct, many programmers complain about Java's complexity. That's because, rather than learning the language itself, the key to understanding Java is to understand its APIs. They number in the tens of thousands. Furthermore, becoming familiar with hundreds of Java toolkits and determining which ones are best suited to a particular project takes time and effort.

3. Lengthy Code

The Java syntax is easy to read and understand on its own. However, the language has a bad rep for being overly verbose, requiring too many words to accomplish a task (compared to other technologies). There are a lot of boilerplate codes generated (i.e., code portions that must be reused repeatedly in a program with minor alterations). This has an impact on code readability and program performance and memory consumption in large projects. However, the language isn't always negative because it makes debugging code easier for the Java compiler. Producing more compact Java code, on the other hand, necessitates a significant amount of developer talent and experience.

4. The look and feel of the user interface

Unfortunately, Java-based apps' looks and feel frequently leave a lot to be desired. While programmers can choose from a variety of GUI builders, none of them use entirely native GUI components. It's difficult to create modern user interfaces in Java, especially in large, multi-functional corporate systems. It's possible, but you'll need some Java experience.
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Java Vs. Other Software Technologies

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

The way Java code is executed is the most significant difference between it and other programming languages. Unlike compiled languages such as C++, Java is compiled into bytecode that can be run on any platform using the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). C++, on the other hand, is compiled directly into machine code and thus can only run on the platform it was compiled on. The massive Java Class Library is another distinguishing feature (JCL). Java must be compared to each language separately in order to fully address this issue. In the following section, Java is compared to six other widely used programming languages. Programming languages include C, C#, C++, Javascript, Ruby, and Python.

1. Java vs. C (Very Different)

  • Java is platform independent. C is a platform-specific language.
  • Java is an object-oriented programming language (OOP). The letter C stands for procedural.
  • Java follows a bottom-up approach. C takes a top-down approach to problem-solving.
  • Memory management in Java is fully automated. C employs manual memory management.
  • Pointers are used in C. Java, on the other hand, does not.
  • Java now includes threading support. C, on the other hand, does not.

2. Java vs. C# (Very Similar)

  • Object-oriented programming languages include Java and C#.
  • Java is platform independent. C# is a platform-specific language.
  • Java is a programming language for making online games and apps.
  • C# is a programming language that's popular in the gaming and mobile development industries.

3. Java vs. C++ (Some Similarities)

  • C++ is the foundation of Java.
  • Bytecode is created from Java (platform-independent). Machine code is generated from C++.
  • Java is a programming language that focuses on objects. C++ is both procedural and object-oriented.
  • In Java, automatic garbage collection is available. C++, on the other hand, does not.
  • Java does not support operator overloading. One example is C++.
  • Java does not support structures or unions. One example is C++.
  • Java is slower to execute than C++.
  • Java is a lot easier to learn and use than C++.
  • Java comes with a powerful cross-platform library. C++ libraries are powerful yet simple to use.

4. Using Javascript vs. Using Java (Very Different)

  • Java is a programming language for computers. Javascript is a scripting language.
  • Java and Javascript are two object-oriented programming (OOP) languages.
  • The Java Virtual Machine is used to run Java (JVM). Javascript is a web browser-based programming language.
  • Java code is compiled as well as interpreted. A scripting language is Javascript. Java consumes more memory than Javascript.

5. Java vs. Python (Some Similarities)

  • Python and Java are both object-oriented programming languages (OOP).
  • Java is a compiled language at its core. Python is a programming language that is interpreted.
  • Python and Java are both programming languages that can be used for a variety of purposes.
  • Learning Java is more difficult than learning Python.
  • Java uses more lines of code than Python to create an equivalent program.
  • Two of the most popular programming languages are Java and Python.
  • Java outperforms Python in terms of performance.

6. Ruby vs. Java (Very Similar)

  • Object-oriented programming languages include Java and Ruby (OOP).
  • Both Java and Ruby are programming languages that can be used in a variety of ways.
  • Java is a programming language that is statically typed. Ruby is a dynamic programming language.
  • Platform independence is a feature of both Java and Ruby.
  • Inheritance is supported in both Java and Ruby.
  • Java uses more lines of code than Ruby to create an equivalent program.
  • Ruby is a slower language than Java.
  • Java and Ruby can work together and complement each other.

How to Hire a Java Development Company

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

According to a Jetbrains survey, there are approximately 7 million Java developers on the planet today. Other studies (such as Developer Economics) put the number much higher, claiming that 8-10 million programmers use Java on the job. When there are so many professionals to choose from, how do you know where to find the best experts to turn your idea into a dependable, versatile, and scalable Java-based program? Right now, we'll take care of this issue. Let's look at the skills that every Java programmer should have before we look at the Java labor market, wages, and engagement models. Java programmers in their early stages Their seniority and the project requirements determine the Java developer's position in the team and primary tasks. Juniors, for example, are expected to know the language but are rarely given the opportunity to work independently. Because most of them have limited project experience, they will need some supervision (not hand-holding!) and oversight. Entry-level Java professionals may be unfamiliar with certain frameworks and libraries when implementing more complex situations and functionalities, so they must seek the help of more experienced colleagues. The same can be said for business domain knowledge: juniors often need a lot of training and onboarding before they can understand how their code affects business procedures and outcomes. Due to these constraints, hiring a senior-level developer rather than multiple juniors is frequently more cost-effective in small and startup projects. Juniors naturally charge lower rates than their more experienced peers, but they lack the experience needed to lead a project on their own. They may work well to specifications, but they require clear instruction and evaluation. Java programmers with experience Senior Java engineers have a lot of coding experience under their belts. They work independently, solving complex business and programming problems with little supervision and input. Working with seniors has a significant advantage in that they are familiar with business needs, resulting in well-written, robust code and software that is well-suited to end-user concerns. Seniors gather customer needs and translate them into code, but juniors typically need to know exactly what task they are responsible for. Senior Java developers should be familiar with a variety of Java tools and frameworks. They can produce code faster and more efficiently than juniors because they are familiar with and use a wide range of tools. In addition, experienced experts can mentor and manage junior programmers, relieving you of the burden of onboarding new employees. They also accept full responsibility for their work and make necessary corrections when their code isn't up to par. Naturally, the higher the fee, the more experienced and productive the Java developer. Every project should include at least one senior developer. On the other hand, hiring someone with decades of programming experience to perform basic tasks would be (expensive) overkill.

The Future of Java

Everything you Need to Know About Java Development Service for your Business The Business Side of Java Development What is Java? Pros and Cons of Java Development Java Vs. Other Software Technologies How to Hire a Java Development Company The Future of Java

"Is Java no longer alive?" "Is Java still relevant?" you might wonder. "Will Java perish?" says the narrator. Questions like this have been resurfacing on the internet's Reddit and Quora for a few years now. This is largely due to the fact that more recent and lightweight languages such as Python or Go have posed a threat to Java's position as the world's most popular programming language in recent years. In some cases, Java has given way to its younger cousins, such as game development and iOS mobile apps. Nonetheless, as evidenced by the comparison of Java vs. other programming languages, it outperforms many of them on other fronts. Despite having so many competitors, Java appears to have weathered the storm and is still in use today, especially in corporate Java applications, web app development, microservices, and cloud-based software development. It is also constantly being improved to meet the growing commercial use cases. So, if you ask us if Java is on its way out, we'll tell you, "No, Java isn't going away, and it's still thriving."  


Are you ready to advance your understanding of Java's business applications and start working on your software project now that you've learned everything there is to know? We've got you covered if you still need to fill any critical tech positions before then. We will assist you in quickly assembling a fantastic Java software development team with hundreds of competent Java development specialists at our disposal. Just get in touch with us! Mobirevo is a Java development company in Port Harcourt, Nigeria, we have gathered the technical information you need to create a dynamic and comprehensive solution for your business. Mobirevo provides R&D services and reliable results-oriented products with java development best practices. You can contact us today to get a free quote. Our team at Mobirevo strives to provide unrivaled services to all of our valued clients. You can also check out our case study page to see our client's portfolio and better understand the quality of products we deliver. Also, contact us if you have any questions about our services, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Want to receive more content like this? You can signup for our newsletter, which features curated opinions and product discovery tools for building remarkable digital assets. If you sign up for our weekly newsletter, you will be the first to know when we publish fantastic content like this. You can also visit our blog to see other content created with love by our amazing team.
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