What is Node.Js? And How we Used it to Build a Real-Estate Management Software

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What is Node.Js? And How we Used it to Build a Real-Estate Management Software
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What is Node.Js? And How we Used it to Build a Real-Estate Management Software

What is Node.Js Node.Js Development Company node js application example node js tutorial node js application example github node js runs on client or server features of node js when not to use node js node js is used for frontend or backend node js vs react js As a Node.Js Development Company, creating a technology stack for a project is a difficult task in and of itself. Choosing the right languages, tools, and platforms can influence many aspects of the future app's operation, ranging from ease of development to performance and efficiency. As a result, making the right decision from the start is critical. If you're planning a web application project, you're probably weighing the benefits and drawbacks of basing your stack on JavaScript and the tools that support it. You will undoubtedly come across Node.js when considering a backend development platform. What exactly is Node.js? What is the purpose of Node.js? Why should you use Node.js? Let's get started and learn more about why Node.js is worth your time, resources, and investment in your next project. We've gone over a few compelling use cases to demonstrate the various applications of Node.js. Make sound decisions for a future project.

What is Node.Js?

What is Node.Js? Node.js is an open-source JavaScript runtime environment on Chrome's V8 that allows you to create fast and scalable web applications with ease. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model, which makes it fast, light, and ideal for data-intensive real-time applications that run across multiple devices. Node.js is the epitome of a highly customizable and scalable technology. The server engine employs a non-blocking event-based I/O model. This facilitates the adaptation of JavaScript to the machine language, resulting in extremely fast code execution. The code runs faster in the server-to-client direction thanks to JavaScript and Node.js. This takes the performance of web applications to the next level. To be more specific, Node.js web application development ensures a consistent and secure non-blocking I/O model, greatly simplifying the code. Node.js is based on Google's V8 JavaScript engine, and web applications are event-based and asynchronous. A “single-threaded event loop” is used by the Node.js platform. So, how does Node.js handle concurrent requests in addition to a single-threaded model? The "multi-threaded request-response" architecture is a much slower event loop that cannot handle multiple concurrent threads at the same time. (Picture….traditional server thread vs. node.js server thread) The platform does not use a similar multi-threaded stateless request/response model, instead opting for a simplified single-threaded event loop model. According to Node.js developers, this mechanism known as an event loop is provided by a specific library called “Libuv.” This Node.js processing model is heavily influenced by the JavaScript event-based model and the callback mechanism.

History of Node.Js

Now that we understand What is Node.Js, let's look at the history of Node.js. Ryan Dahl created Node.js in 2009. Dahl had previously criticized the limited capabilities of existing popular web servers and coding methods. Servers struggled to handle high-volume concurrent connections at the time, and codes either blocked the entire process or implied the need for multiple stacks. All of these issues hampered businesses' ability to create versatile products that engaged with and met high-volume user requirements. Dahl created Node.js in response, giving developers the ability to use JavaScript for server-side scripting and unifying web application development around a single programming language. Node.js's initial release only supported Linux and Mac OS X operating systems. Dahl initially led its development and maintenance, but it was later sponsored by Joyent, a SaaS company. The Node.js package manager was released in January 2010 to allow programmers to share and publish source code for Node.js packages, as well as simplify installation, updates, and uninstallation. Microsoft and Joyent collaborated in 2011 to create a native Windows version of Node.js, increasing the number of operating systems it could support and providing developers with more options than ever before. Since then, the Node.js Foundation has been established as a neutral organization to bring developers together as one community. The Node.js Foundation and the JS Foundation merged in 2019 to form the OpenJS Foundation. The foundation aids in the governance of Node.js, an open-source, distributed development project. Today, Node.js is used by both large and small businesses. While it's used by Amazon, eBay, Netflix, Reddit, and PayPal, it's also used by over 43% of Node.JS developers for enterprise applications. Node.js is commonly associated with the words fast, simple, easy, powerful, and flexible. Of course, Node.js is not perfect for every project, but with all of this in mind, it's easy to see why it's so popular with start-ups and global corporations alike.

Node.js Architecture

What is Node.Js Node.Js Development Company node js application example node js tutorial node js application example github node js runs on client or server features of node js when not to use node js node js is used for frontend or backend node js vs react js Node.js's mechanics are what contribute to its popularity among developers. While most other runtime environments use multi-threaded processing models, Node.js does everything in a single thread. Each server in a multi-threaded processing setup has a limited thread pool that it can access. So, whenever a server receives a request, it retrieves a thread from the pool and assigns it to that request to handle the processing. The processing, in this case, is synchronous and sequential, which means that only one operation is performed at a time. When using multiple-thread processing, a thread is chosen for each request until all the limited threads are used up. When this occurs, the server must wait for a busy thread to become available again. This can result in slow and inefficient applications, which can have an impact on everything from customer experience to lead conversions. It can be especially problematic if your application must handle many concurrent client requests. Node.js, on the other hand, employs single-threaded processing. The distinction between the two is self-evident: single-thread architectures process all requests using a single main thread, utilizing event loops to run blocking Input/Output operations in a non-blocking manner. Don't be concerned if some of these terms are unfamiliar to you. The 'Terms To Know' section below will explain everything in greater detail. In theory, a single-thread architecture can perform and scale much faster and more efficiently than multiple-thread setups. This is what Ryan Dahl had in mind when he created Node.js, and it is one of the reasons it is so popular among web application developers. Unlike traditional web-serving methods, in which each request creates a new thread that consumes system RAM, Node.js operates on a single thread. As a result, it can handle thousands of concurrent connection handling event loops. Here are a few exciting features of Node.js:
  • Node Package Manager (npm)

While we're learning the fundamentals of Node.js, we don't want to overlook its built-in support for package management via npm. This is a popular package library and the most prized possession of the Node.js community. npm is used by open-source developers all over the world to share and borrow packages, and it is also used by many enterprises for development. It has millions of downloadable libraries based on the specific need — both free and paid. Today, millions of programmers around the world rely on the npm Registry, which serves approximately 125 billion requests per month at a staggering 6 petabytes per month. Yes, Libuv is a multi-platform C library designed primarily for use in the Node.js environment. This is the component that enables the indefinite processing of single threads. To be more specific, Libuv creates a pool of up to four threads that are processed concurrently. It also sends requests to the operating system, which handles the timing.
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    Non-blocking I/O

The main idea behind this feature is to avoid things like synchronous threads, which start a separate thread for each request and thereby halt the entire process. Node.js allows you to work with single threads that are processed one after the other, rather than assisting the webserver in starting individual threads. This aids in the elimination of synchronization between threads and the problems associated with it.

Node.Js Terms Worth Knowing

The terms and definitions you'll encounter when reading about or discussing Node.js are listed below.

1. JavaScript

Node.js is built on the JavaScript programming language. It is a multi-paradigm high-level language with 'curly bracket' syntax, dynamic typing, prototype-based object orientations, and first-class functions. Because of these features, JavaScript can transform a static webpage into an interactive one, adding features like search boxes, embedded videos, and news feed refresh tools. These are features aimed at improving the user experience by encouraging intuitive engagement.

2. Node.js Modules

Node.js includes a number of modules that are kept in their own contexts to avoid interfering with other modules or polluting the Node.js global scope. This is especially important for open-source software. In Node.js, a module is a piece of functionality - simple or complex - that is organized into JavaScript files and reused throughout the Node.js application. Within Node.js, there are three types of modules: Core Modules, Local Modules, and Third-Party Modules. Core Modules contain Node.js's fundamental, bare-bones functionality. They are included in the binary distribution of Node.js and load automatically when a node process starts. Local Modules are Node.js modules that are created within the application. They add different and additional functionalities to the core functionality package in separate files and folders. Local modules can also be packaged and distributed to the larger Node.js community for use. A third-party module is a pre-written code written by a third party that can be imported into your Node.js application to expand or add new features and functions.

3. Microservices

A microservice is a self-contained unit that works with others to form a larger application. Splitting an app into smaller parts makes it easier to maintain, deploy independently, and scale. They can be written by different groups and tested separately. Microservices can be useful for developers because they allow components to be compartmentalized and managed separately, giving developers more control and flexibility. Microservices enable components to be changed or updated without having an impact on the overall application or interfering with performance. Microservices are not always the best choice for a project. The challenge of integrating the services with a drive that guides the process is a common issue with microservices. 'Discovery' can also be an issue, as the microservices struggle to find and relate to one another on a server. These issues can be addressed with a more monolithic structure, which is a single, self-contained unit. Both approaches have advantages, and which one to use depends on the scope and requirements of the specific project.

4. Event-driven Programming (EDP)?

Event-driven programming is a feature of applications that respond to different types of user engagement. It is referred to as a 'programming paradigm,' in which the flow of the program's execution is determined by events. In this context, an event is any action performed by a user, such as a click or a keypress. Messages from other threads or programs can also be included. Event-driven programming is intended to detect and process actions as they occur by establishing event-handling procedures. This results in a more responsive and intuitive user experience, as well as more flexibility for applications that handle multiple requests at the same time.
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5. Node.js Package Manager

Node package manager (or 'npm' for short) serves several functions. First, it serves as an online repository for publishing open-source Node.js projects. Second, it serves as a command-line interface to that repository, assisting with package installation, version management, and dependency management. It is most commonly used for publishing, discovering, installing, and developing Node programs. It essentially aids developers in making the best use of Node.js tools and packages by providing a user-friendly interface.

6. Node.js Worker threads

Worker threads are a Node.js feature that can be used to perform heavy JavaScript tasks. The worker threads module allows JavaScript code to be executed in parallel, making the entire process faster and more efficient. This is accomplished by utilizing an existing pool of 'workers' to handle new and incoming tasks. Worker threads provide flexibility and compartmentalization by assisting with CPU-intensive tasks without interfering with the main Node.js thread.

7. Event loop

Although JavaScript is single-threaded, the event loop allows Node.js to perform non-blocking I/O operations by offloading operations to the system kernel whenever possible. Modern kernels can handle multiple background operations because they are multi-threaded. An event loop, in general, is a program mechanism that waits for and dispatches events or messages. Event loops are the primary control flow constructs in Node.js. For example, whenever a request is about to be handled, it is placed on the event loop and processed as soon as it is ready. Instead of handling the system on its own, Node delegated responsibility. As a result of this behavior, Node is not actively waiting for this task to complete and is free to handle other requests in the meantime. Because of the event loop, Node.js is faster and more efficient than other technologies.  

The Pros and Cons of Node.js

The ability to write both the frontend and the backend in JavaScript is at the heart of several Node.js advantages:

1. Large community

As an open-source project, Node.js encourages support and contributions aimed at improving and expanding the platform's adoption. The Node.js Foundation was established in 2015 by a distinguished group of founders from leading corporations such as Microsoft, IBM, Fidelity, and SAP. This is the Foundation's mission for the continuous development and enhancement of Node.js. As a result, you can be confident that, on the one hand, Node.js is constantly improving and, on the other hand, there are already a plethora of reusable resources. Many software developers and active Node.js fans are constantly contributing to the ever-evolving and nurturing Node.js community to help fellow developers. Furthermore, Node.js is supported on GitHub, making it extremely simple and quick to develop and support the framework.

2. Robustness and High Performance

Using Node.js, you can organize full-stack JavaScript development while ensuring the application's speed and performance. Node.js is powered by the Google V8 JS engine, which compiles JavaScript code directly into machine code. This saves resources while also increasing the framework's speed. Google invests heavily in its search engine to consistently improve its performance.

3. Excellent Ecosystem

When you think of the simplicity and richness of Node.js, the only word that comes to mind is npm. Did you know that? npm has 836,000 libraries, with 10,000 or more added each week. Yes! Over 475,000 packages and registries are available, with 11,000 new tools added every week. It saves a significant amount of time and money in the development and time-to-market processes. According to the Node.js Foundation, 98% of Fortune 500 companies use Node.js regularly. Reasons? Node.js is also fast and efficient at handling multiple requests at once. It is more time and cost-efficient than other tech stacks for handling your application's traffic. Look through the npm (Node.js package manager) for 650,000 free code packages that you can use with Node.js. These are only a few of the benefits of using Node.js as a development environment. Furthermore, the popularity of Node.js has resulted in the development of a slew of Node.js frameworks designed to make web development in this environment easier.

4. Easy Learning Curve

Knowing JavaScript will help a developer get started with Node.js. Of course, you must understand the principles of backend development; however, knowledge of the programming language will greatly simplify things.

5. Scalability

This is a true gem of the Node.js development environment, allowing you to build applications that can easily scale with your business. Node.js is ideal for systems that use microservices architecture or containerization to easily achieve scalability and flexibility. Node.js applications are easily scalable in both vertical and horizontal directions. While vertical scaling allows you to add more resources to existing nodes, horizontal scaling allows you to add new nodes more quickly. Furthermore, because it works with a set of microservices and modules, Node.js applications do not require a large block in the entire development process. It's as straightforward as it gets, and it's ideal for startups looking to expand.

6. Boosts Development Speed

Increases Development Speed: With its lightweight and diverse tools, Node.js enables developers to accelerate the web app development process. The npm registry provides a plethora of solutions, modules, and libraries for developing web apps while gaining more value and putting in less effort. With its reusable templates, Node.js and npm libraries help you reduce bugs and reduce the size of your web application. This optimization has a direct impact on the time to market.

7. Freedom to Develop Apps

Node.js developers can create cross-platform apps. Because Node.js is compatible with desktop, mobile, and web development for Mac, Windows, and Linux, you can use it to create cross-platform web apps with frameworks like Electron and NW.js. Node.js is now a popular choice for IoT solutions as well. So, if you want to improve your team's coding efficiency and performance, Node.js is the way to go.

8. Single Programming Language

Node.js is used for frontend or backend JavaScript languages. It is more approachable and adaptable than it appears. It makes the entire web app development cycle for developers and enterprises more robust and seamless. It saves time, energy, and resources, making man-hours more productive and profitable. Not only does Node.js make web app development easier, but it is also the most popular technology on the market today.

9. Contribution to Fullstack & MEANstack

Node.js has proven its worth and is now a part of a strong tech stack, with JavaScript reigning supreme among leading programming languages. As a standalone, Node.js adds many benefits to the tech stack, such as the JSON module library. Node.js has become a significant player in many tech ecosystems, with over 368,985,988 downloads, or an average of 1,010,921 per day.  

Disadvantages of Using Node.js

At the same time, while we have discussed the benefits of Node.js for web development, we should also discuss the drawbacks of Node.js, because nothing is perfect.

1. Single-Threaded Processes

Node.js, by definition, can only process one command at a time. However, the implementation of the asynchronous mechanism, which allows several simple tasks to be performed concurrently, prevents the blocking of other processes. A complex calculation, on the other hand, that necessitates many processing resources, may obstruct the flow and cause delays.

2. Poor Quality Of Open-Source Tools

Yes, we mentioned npm as a benefit of Node.js, but it also has a disadvantage. While the number of modules and packages available in the registry is impressive, and there is certainly plenty to choose from, some packages may be of poor quality or poorly documented. This has nothing to do with the quality of Node.js' core code, which can be subpar at times.

3. Unstable API

One of the most significant disadvantages of Node.js is its inconsistency. The API of Node.js changes frequently, and the changes are frequently incompatible with previous versions. When this happens, programmers are forced to update their existing code to make it compatible with the latest version of the Node.js API. This can result in additional work that diverts attention away from the goal of improving your application.

4. More Time For Development

Some developers may consider Node.js's lack of opinion to be a disadvantage. Ruby on Rails provides a lot of directions and guides you into their way of doing things right out of the box, whereas Node.js requires you to start from scratch. This can provide flexibility, but it can also lead to a decrease in productivity, slowing down your work. You won't have to worry about this if you work with an experienced team of programmers who have internally developed good processes for developing and maintaining code.

5. Unsuitable For High-Performance Computing Applications

Node.js currently does not support multi-threaded programming. It can handle far more complex applications than Ruby, but it is not suitable for long calculations. Heavy computations can cause incoming requests to be blocked, resulting in a decrease in performance. While Node.js is ideal for complex apps, it may perform less well in the case of software that requires heavy computation.

6. Immaturity of Tool

Although the core of Node.js is stable, many packages in the Node package manager (npm) registry are of poor quality or are not properly documented. Because it is primarily an open-source ecosystem, some tools may be lacking in quality and fail to meet coding standards. The structure of npm makes it more difficult to find trustworthy packages. As a result, you may require more experienced developers who can identify trustworthy tools.  

How We Used Node.Js. to Build a Real-estate Management Software

What is Node.Js Node.Js Development Company Propvat approached us with some concerns, the most important of which was the design and development of the website from the ground up. We had several sessions with the founders and executives to understand the brand's vision and positioning. It was obvious that the website needed to be built with scalable SEO-friendly technology, and instant search. We were hired to build the website from the ground up. Each property was to have a type, several identifiers, and a cost, among other things. To embody the concept of 'Home for all' throughout the website design, we had to be extremely consistent with our communication. Another insight gained from user research was the requirement to be able to provide all project data, as well as advanced project filtering. Some of the project objectives include the following;
  • Create the code architecture;
  • Add unit testing and documentation for AP;
  • Integrate Google Maps
  • Develop all needed functionality;
  • Create database structure and set it up;

What We Did As a Node.Js Development Company

This was a large project that we built from the ground up; it's a large custom-built progressive web application with many unique features that started as an idea and were successfully implemented using cutting-edge technology. All the tasks and project deliverables were completed. The following are the most important:
  • Development of a Responsive Website The backend of the website was built with React while Node.js was used for the frontend. We designed and built the website with the assumption that the majority of visitors will access it via mobile devices. We placed a strong emphasis on a responsive design on every page.
  • Server-Side Rendering with React and Node.JS (SSR) For the project, we used Server-Side Rendering (SSR) technology, which makes a website fast, load-free, server-independent, and API-driven. It ensures that future efforts and costs to redesign the website are kept to a minimum, allowing for a rapid development process.
  • Managing Dynamic Content With A Headless CMS Because the data had to be very flexible and dynamic, we used a headless CMS that served the data via API and made life easier for the content managers.
  • Using Algolia To Provide Instant Search Results On the website, we used Algolia to provide an instant search feature. To ensure that we get the expected result, we handled how data will be synced and clustered with Algolia.
  • Created a Unique User Experience We put snippets of projects, awards, and testimonials in a variety of ways to drive and reinforce user trust. While scrolling through the website, we made sure that users had access to broad filters such as location, property type, and latest properties on the landing page.
  • Property View This page provides customers with a quick real estate overview as well as several photos that allow them to see the property from various angles and in greater detail. Provpvat has an appealing property display page that includes information such as a property summary with multiple photos, property statistics, neighborhood home prices, and so on.
  • Instant Messaging Because the real estate industry is all about connectivity, the messaging feature is ideal for such a marketplace. Users can use real-time messaging to share all information directly on the website.
  • Google Map Integration Customers can use geolocation and location search to find properties in their immediate vicinity. Propvat has map integrations that allow users to search for addresses, choose a property nearby, and access local neighborhood information by clicking on the map.
A good property website requires planning and expertise. It's not as difficult as it appears. You can reach out to the Mobirevo team if you're looking to hire a Node.Js Development Company specialized in real estate software development or if you'd like a second opinion on whether what features to include.

Where Node.js Can Be Used

What is Node.Js Node.Js Development Company node js application example node js tutorial node js application example github node js runs on client or server features of node js when not to use node js node js is used for frontend or backend node js vs react js To achieve the best application performance, we will try to determine when to use Node.js, when not to use Node.js, and what Node.js is used for in web development. One of the most significant advantages of Node.js is that it can be used to build a variety of business solutions. You can outperform your competitors with Node.js-based business solutions. So let's just dive into the best use cases used by various industries to get a more accurate picture of Node's positioning.

1. Backend for Social Media Networking

Node.js is used to rebuild many well-known websites, including LinkedIn and Medium. To build a backend for a social media networking site, a specific set of nodes is required. With its V8 engine, Node.js provides lightning-fast routing as well as secure authentication. Scalability is one of the most important factors that contribute to the enrichment of a social media network.

2. Single-Page Application (SPA) Development

Node.js, like single-page websites, can create a single-page app with the look and feel of a desktop application. Because of its flexibility, Node.js is a good fit for creating social networking platforms, dynamic websites, and mailing solutions. Furthermore, Node.js is the best choice for SPA development because of its backend asynchronous data flow quality.

3. Chatbots

There are several unique advanced features of Node.js for real-time chatbots and chat applications. Chatbots are very popular for their key features such as multi-user applications, intensive data, and heavy traffic across all devices. Node.js runs on client or server across multiple devices and supports all paradigms in chat and chatbot apps. Node.js makes it extremely simple to execute push notifications and server-side event loops, which are commonly used in instant messaging and real-time apps. Node.js was adopted by data streaming companies like Netflix, which serves 190 countries and 100+ million hours of streaming to over 120 million users. Node.js has a distinct advantage in this regard due to its lightning-fast file processing and feather-light encodes and uploads. Many online fashion e-stores and applications with massive data streaming videos have capitalized on this.

4. IoT Applications Development

IoT has grown in popularity over the last decade, and Node.js has become one of the most popular solutions for organizations looking to build public and private IoT solution systems. The primary advantage of Node.js is its brilliant ability to process thousands of events released by billions of devices on its network concurrently. Because of the event-driven server architecture of Node.js and asynchronous processing of relevant heavy I/O operations on IoT networks. Furthermore, Node.js operates on writable and readable channels and streams, making it the best platform for developing IoT apps. Also, Node js is fast and powerful, making it capable of handling large data flows. Second, Node.js is simple to integrate with IoT protocols (the integration with MQTT and WebSockets can be a good Node.js application example). Finally, as briefly mentioned above, the Node Package Manager contains many useful IoT modules that aid in the implementation of even the most ambitious IoT projects. These are just a few of the reasons why Node.js is already being used for IoT development by some major corporations, such as Microsoft.

5. Real-time Applications

Because we discovered that Node.js can provide excellent speed and performance, one of the most common Node.js use cases is real-time messaging, also known as chatting. The environment can handle a high volume of short messages or chatrooms where messages are displayed to multiple users at the same time.

6. Collaborative Tools

This Node.js use case also relates to its ability to process real-time flows. You've probably heard of Trello, a project management app that's popular among software development firms. Trello, on the other hand, was built on Node.js and benefited from its event-driven, non-blocking model. Node.js is ideal for applications that require frequent updates, such as collaboration tools and online documentation suites.

7. Data Streaming Applications

The term “streaming” refers to sending large amounts of data in smaller packages rather than in a single batch. This capability is especially important in audio and video streaming applications. Because it has built-in modules that support data streaming and allow you to create both readable and writable data streams, Node.js is ideal for this task. You can see how powerful this environment is when even Netflix, a global media service provider, uses Node.js.

8. Applications Relying On Scalability

The excellent scalability provided by Node.js is perfect for apps that must withstand high peak loads. This is why Uber chose Node.js to create its app. The global taxi network is constantly growing and expanding its presence; however, the nature of the taxi industry causes high demand peaks during holidays. Node.js handles these challenges admirably.  


As you can see, Node.js is a powerful tool that performs admirably in many situations. The list of Node.js application examples is extensive, and your project may benefit greatly from the use of this technology. Furthermore, the large Node.js community is constantly working to improve the platform, and share cases where Node.js is not the best choice. We hope that the information in this article will help you find a reliable Node.Js Development Company. If you have any urgent questions about Node.Js Development, you can get in touch with the Mobirevo team. Let’s talk about making your SaaS ideas a reality! We can also assist you in strengthening the security of your Saas product or developing a SaaS app with impenetrable software as service security. Our skilled SaaS software developers are here to assist you with your digital transformation. We understand your challenges and will help you save costs with a custom SaaS solution designed specifically for your company's requirements. Our team has extensive experience in custom SaaS software development for both startups and established businesses. We create high-performance custom software for companies that require more than a standard solution. With our efficient custom Node.js application development process, you can launch your product and test your idea quickly and within your budget. Mobirevo's software team will create a highly responsive and visually appealing custom software product for your company while adhering to Node.js application development best practices. We will also gladly support and improve your current solution. Do you need assistance creating custom software for your company? You can contact us today to get a free quote. Our team at Mobirevo strives to provide unrivaled services to all of our valued clients. You can also check out our case study page to see our client's portfolio and get a better understanding of the quality of products we deliver. Also, contact us if you have any questions about our services, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Want to receive more content like this? You can sign up for our newsletter, which features curated opinions, and SaaS application development tools for building remarkable digital assets. If you sign up for our weekly newsletter, you will be the first to know when we publish awesome content like this. You can also visit our blog to see other content created with love by our amazing team.

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